Change of company name

We are very pleased to inform you that we will be changing our name from Etn. P. Bruggeman to La Martiniquaise Benelux from 1 January 2023.

What does this specifically mean?

  • Our official name Etn. P. Bruggeman will change to La Martiniquaise Benelux, although our VAT number remains the same.
  • Our email addresses will change from to, although ‘@’ part will not change.
  • Our old website at will be removed and the new website is available at
  • All current agreements will remain valid.

Why are we doing this?

Bruggeman has been part of the La Martiniquaise group since 2009. And in 2018, Inspirits Premium Drinks from the Netherlands also became part of our family. Since then, we have worked hard on the integration at Benelux level. We are now ready for the future, ready to continue as one company and one brand: La Martiniquaise Benelux.

What is not changing?

The management, your contact, our quality, etc. will all remain the same.  We continue to combine our local expertise, brands, and production with the strength of the international group to which we belong.

We would very much appreciate it if you could also inform the colleagues responsible for customer management of this change.